Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pain in Butt, Dad!!!

Todd and I really need to start watching what we say around the boys, especially Peyton.  Last weekend, we went to get our trailer from storage to get a jump start on packing stuff in it for preparation for the "big move."  We stopped at the base gas station and got drinks.  Tucker got a sprite and Todd got Peyton some apple juice.  Well, Peyton took a sip of his apple juice and then realized that Tucker had sprite.  He said his apple juice was "yuck."  So we just made Tucker share some of his sprite with his brother. 

Well, later in the day, we got everything done that we were wanting to get done with the trailer and decided to take it back to the storage lot.  We had left Peyton's apple juice in the truck.  We got everyone buckled up in the truck and were on our way when Peyton was asking for his "bubba chew" (aka: apple juice).  Todd was teasing him and giving him a hard time saying that he thought the AJ was yuck.  Peyton was getting wound up and getting into arguing with dad when out blurts from his little mouth, "Pain in butt, dad."  Needless to say, we both looked at one another and immediately said, "Did he just say what we thought he just said?"  Well, to confirm our suspicion, Peyton repeated it many more times.  We were laughing the whole way. 

I didn't realize that we say it that often to the boys, but we must, as our youngest has picked up on this saying.  So, yes, we need to watch what we say from now on or pay the consequences of a 3 year old repeating what we say.