Tucker has been eating me out of the household here in the past couple of weeks. The kid can clean his plate and 15 minutes later say he is starving again. The school also probably thinks I never feed my child breakfast, either. The other night, I received an automated phone message stating that Tucker's meal plan was in the negative. To say the least, I was extremely surprised. "That is impossible," I thought to myself. Why, you ask? Well, Tucker doesn't eat hot lunch but maybe 2-3 times per month and the last time I checked, he had around $20 in his meal account. I thought that maybe another child was accidentally using Tucker's meal card. Well, I went online to check the activity of his meal plan to find that my child has been eating breakfast off and on since October. What? How can that be? Why? He eats waffles practically every breakfast and he eats 2-3 waffles before he goes to school. So, I asked Tucker, "have you been eating breakfast when you get to school?"
"Yeah, sometimes mom."
"Tucker, you eat before you go to school. Why are you eating again when you get to school?" I asked.
"Mom, I am starving when I get to school."
UNBELIEVABLE! That's all I can say about that.
Funny!! I fear the years ahead with Cody too. He already eats numerous bowls of cereal each morning. Hungry boys!